Tuesday 10 January 2017

Most Secure Password Manager At Your Fingertip

With the concerning 1.8 billion accounts have been compromised globally, according to Kaspersky Labs, your “dragon123”, “wondergirl456” and other simple passwords are no longer valid unless you want to be a victim of online threats.

21st century password should be a random mix of alpha-numeric, upper and lower-case characters and symbols, and the longer it is, the better it will be.
But, have you met such requirements?

Hold your back as Patrick Tardiff came out with a smart solution, a secure password manager called PasswordWrench™ with industry level security protocol. For your convenience, this password manager doesn’t only manage your password, it also doesn’t store your password (nor they intend to).
They do more than that.

PasswordWrench™ actually generates a random Password Card for you consisting of variety types of characters – complex one.

Simple yet elegant, isn’t it?
But, noticed some differences at the fonts? PasswordWrench™ kindly offers you custom made fonts so you can use small case of “L”, [l] and capital letter of “i”, [I] with ease and other confusions.

Securing your cyber life shouldn’t sacrifice your comfort and that’s PasswordWrench™ priority.

Yet the joy doesn’t stop there. As some folks at PasswordWrench™ aren’t that 24/7 online geeks, they promoted a sweet and urban alternative, printable Password Card in the size of credit card.

Conveniently protect yourself from hackers in just your wallet or pocket.
Though with these features (and printable Password Card feature), your security seem suspended.

But, hold your back fellas as this simple trick helps you a lot in recall your password afterwards. Yes, the word “remember” isn’t usable but they use the word “recall”.

And you recall using HINTS – as if in Word Search. Just that, you create your own hints.

For example, your hint could be “4th row” meaning your password is all the characters in the 4th row. Surely, you can make better hints. The only limit is your imagination.

So, simply, any stolen case is safe as long as you don’t share your precious hints with anybody.

By now, more and more victims have fallen for cyber crimes and it is unbridled except – for changing your password.

To protect your password is to change your password into much complex, tough and difficult to hack. And you can easily do it by sign up FREELY with no credit card required at: Best Password Manager .